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AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT Fundamentals

Total Hours: 40

The objective of AutoCAD/AutoCAD LT Fundamentals is to enable students to create a basic 2D drawing in AutoCAD. Even at this fundamental level, AutoCAD is one of the most sophisticated computer applications that you are likely to encounter. Therefore, learning to use it can be challenging. To make the process easier and provide flexibility, the course is divided into two parts that can be taken independently.

Part 1 (three days) covers the essential core topics for working with AutoCAD. The strategy is to start with a few basic tools that enable the student to create and edit a simple drawing, and then continue to develop those tools. More advanced tools are introduced throughout the course. Not every command or option is covered, because the intent is to show the most essential tools and concepts.

Topics Include:
  • Understanding the AutoCAD workspace and user interface

  • Using basic drawing, editing, and viewing tools

  • Organizing drawing objects on layers

  • Inserting reusable symbols (blocks)

  • Preparing a layout to be plotted

  • Adding text, hatching, and dimensions

Part 2 (two days) continues with more sophisticated techniques that extend your mastery of the program. For example, here you go beyond the basic skill of inserting a block to learning how to create blocks, and beyond the basic skill of using a template to understand the process of setting up a template.

Learn skills such as:
  • Using more advanced editing and construction techniques

  • Adding parametric constraints to objects 

  • Creating local and global blocks 

  • Setting up layers, styles, and templates 

  • Using advanced plotting and publishing options

  • A working knowledge of basic design/drafting procedures and terminology

  • A working knowledge of your operating system

840 pages

Training Manual:
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